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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight Switching panel nut Mounting bracket Pressure gauge display [bar] Pressure regulation area [bar] H1 [mm] H [mm] L [mm] D [mm] Thread Flow ** [l/min] 售价 订购数量
1.0 DR 5540-6 G 3.4kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 10 0.5 - 6 41 216 83 116 G 1" 7.830 ¥1684.48
2.0 DR 3340-16 G 1.1kg / pc. SM 3040 BW 3040 0 - 25 0.5 - 16 30 145 72 67 G 1/2" 1.250 ¥835.84
3.0 DR 5440-6 G 3.5kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 10 0.5 - 6 41 216 95 116 G 3/4" 7.830 ¥1684.48
4.0 DR 3340-6 G 1.1kg / pc. SM 3040 BW 3040 0 - 10 0.5 - 6 30 145 72 67 G 1/2" 1.250 ¥835.84
5.0 DR 8740-25 G-K - - BW 8040 1 x 0 - 40 / 1 x 0 - 60 0.5 - 25 78 248 160 130 G 1 1/2" 25.000 ¥6268.32
6.0 DR 8840 G 6kg / pc. - BW 8040 1 x 0 - 16 / 1 x 0 - 60 0.5 - 10 78 248 160 130 G 2" 25.000 ¥5207.52
7.0 DR 8840-25 G 6kg / pc. - BW 8040 1 x 0 - 40 / 1 x 0 - 60 0.5 - 25 78 248 160 130 G 2" 25.000 ¥5207.52
8.0 DR 1140-25 G 330g / pc. SM 1040 BW 1040 0 - 40 0.5 - 25 23 104 45 36 G 1/4" 430 ¥434.24
9.0 DR 7640-6 G 5kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 10 0.5 - 6 50 240 128 116 G 1 1/4" 12.160 ¥3046.32
10.0 DR 7740 G 5kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 16 0.5 - 10 50 240 114 116 G 1 1/2" 12.160 ¥3106.64
11.0 DR 5440-3 G 3.6kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 6 0.5 - 3 41 216 95 116 G 3/4" 7.830 ¥1684.48
12.0 DR 7740-16 G 5kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 25 0.5 - 16 50 240 114 116 G 1 1/2" 12.160 ¥3106.64
13.0 DR 5540-25 G 3.6kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 40 0.5 - 25 41 216 83 116 G 1" 7.830 ¥1684.48
14.0 DR 8740-16 G-K - - BW 8040 1 x 0 - 25 / 1 x 0 - 60 0.5 - 16 78 248 160 130 G 1 1/2" 25.000 ¥6268.24
15.0 DR 8840-6 G 6kg / pc. - BW 8040 1 x 0 - 10 / 1 x 0 - 60 0.5 - 6 78 248 160 130 G 2" 25.000 ¥5536.40
16.0 DR 5440-16 G 3.6kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 25 0.5 - 16 41 216 95 116 G 3/4" 7.830 ¥1684.48
17.0 DR 8840-16 G 6kg / pc. - BW 8040 1 x 0 - 25 / 1 x 0 - 60 0.5 - 16 78 248 160 130 G 2" 25.000 ¥5207.52
18.0 DR 1140-16 G 330g / pc. SM 1040 BW 1040 0 - 25 0.5 - 16 23 104 45 36 G 1/4" 430 ¥434.24
19.0 DR 5540-3 G 3.4kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 6 0.5 - 3 41 216 83 116 G 1" 7.830 ¥1684.48
20.0 DR 5540 G 3.5kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 16 0.5 - 10 41 216 83 116 G 1" 7.830 ¥1684.48
21.0 DR 8840-25 G-K - - BW 8040 1 x 0 - 40 / 1 x 0 - 60 0.5 - 25 78 248 160 130 G 2" 25.000 ¥6268.64
22.0 DR 7640-25 G 6kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 40 0.5 - 25 50 240 128 116 G 1 1/4" 12.160 ¥3046.32
23.0 DR 3340-25 G 1.1kg / pc. SM 3040 BW 3040 0 - 40 0.5 - 25 30 145 72 67 G 1/2" 1.250 ¥835.84
24.0 DR 7640 G 6kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 16 0.5 - 10 50 240 128 116 G 1 1/4" 12.160 ¥3106.64
25.0 DR 8840-6 G-K 6kg / pc. - BW 8040 1 x 0 - 10 / 1 x 0 - 60 0.5 - 6 78 248 160 130 G 2" 25.000 ¥6268.16
26.0 DR 5540-16 G 3.5kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 25 0.5 - 16 41 216 83 116 G 1" 7.830 ¥1684.48
27.0 DR 5440-25 G 3.7kg / pc. - BW 5040 0 - 40 0.5 - 25 41 216 95 116 G 3/4" 7.830 ¥1684.48
Pressure regulators for high pressure values, up to 40 bar

Version: Self-relieving (with secondary vent)
Materials: Body: brass (DR 8740 and DR 8840: gravity die cast aluminium), diaphragms and seals: NBR
Temperature range: -10°C to max. +90°C
Input pressure: Max. 40 bar
Pressure gauge connection: G 1/4"
Switch panel thread: DR 1140 G: M 20 x 1.5, DR 3340 G: M 28 x 1.5
Media: Oiled and unoiled compressed air, non-toxic and non-flammable gasses
Optional: Other regulation ranges: 0.5 - 3 bar -3*, 0.5 - 6 bar -6, 0.5 - 16 bar -16, 0.5 - 25 bar -25, lockable (DR 8740 G and DR 8840 G) -K
*not available for the types DR 8740 G and DR 8840 G, **measured at P1 = 8 bar, P2 = 6 bar, Delta p = 1 bar
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 543) Technical documentation
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